Weekly Press Release
Date: Thursday, May 15, 2008
Contact: Rebecca Smith, Management Assistant
Phone: 608-755-3104
Fax: 608-755-3196
E-mail: smithr@ci.janesville.wi.us
Website: www.ci.janesville.wi.us
Dog Ban in Parks and on Paved Trails Begins May 15
Dogs are banned in Janesville parks, greenbelts and on the paved bike trail system from May 15 to September 15 each year. Exceptions to this ordinance permit dogs year round at Paw Print Park (a fee-based area) on South Oak Hill Avenue, the Dog Exercise Areas at Palmer Park and the Rock River Parkway. Because dogs are permitted in the Rock River Parkway, they may also be on the paved trail in this natural area. The Rock River Parkway does offer an alternate unpaved trail along the river for dog walkers. Dogs in the exercise areas must be under the immediate physical or voice control of their owners at all times. Extra caution and courtesy are encouraged because the dog exercise areas serve many users and uses, such as bicyclists, children, fishing, runners and dogs. Feces removal is required at all times.
All dogs in the City of Janesville must be licensed. Dog licenses and annual permits to use Paw Print Park may be purchased at Leisure Services (18 North Jackson Street, first floor). For more information contact Leisure Services at 755-3025.
Public Ice Skating Cancelled for May 16 and 17
The Janesville Ice Skating Center has cancelled the public ice skating session scheduled for 8-10PM on Friday May 16 in order to set up for a figure skating competition on Saturday, May 17. The public ice skating session scheduled for 11:30AM-1:30PM on Saturday, May 17 will also be cancelled due to the competition. Public ice skating will be held on Saturday evening from 8-10PM. For more information please contact the Ice Skating Center at 754-7840.
Volunteers Sought for May 17 Riverside Park Work Day
On May 17, a work day at Riverside Park will be held beginning at 8AM. During this day, volunteers from the Riverside Park Friends Group will work on a variety of projects including general cleaning in the south concession stand and removal of invasive plant species and garlic mustard. Volunteers are needed and are asked to bring gloves and shovels. For questions or to volunteer, call Pam VanBrocklin at (608) 563-4454.
Ice Skating Center Closed May 18 – June 8
The Janesville Ice Center will be closed to the public from May 18 – June 8, 2008. The Center will re-open for public use on June 9. During this time period the mechanical systems will be shutdown and the ice surface will be removed. This shutdown is conducted periodically to provide an opportunity to perform maintenance to the mechanical and refrigeration systems. This is a routine shutdown. For questions, call Cullen Slapak, Ice Center Manager, at 755-3028.
S. and N. Garfield Avenue Road Closure
Beginning Monday, May 19, 2008, the Water Utility will be replacing water services on S. and N. Garfield Avenue from Ruger Avenue to East Memorial Drive. This will require block-by-block closures of Garfield Avenue. Work will begin on the block between Ruger Avenue and East Milwaukee Street and continue to move north on N. Garfield Avenue. Traffic will be detoured around the closure onto Ringold Street. There will be no right turn onto South Garfield from westbound Ruger Avenue from May 19 to May 23 (while detour signs are posted and work is in progress).
The work will be conducted on weekdays and Saturdays and is expected to last eight weeks. All lanes will open each day in the evening. Local access to all residences within this road section will be maintained throughout the closure periods. All through traffic will be detoured around the block closures, using Ringold Street. For more information, please contact the City of Janesville Water Utility at 755-3115.
JTS Detours Milton Avenue Route for Garfield Avenue Closures
Beginning Monday, May 19th, and lasting for approximately 8 weeks, the Milton Avenue Regular route will be detoured using North Ringold Street during the hours of utility construction (6:15AM-4PM) on Garfield Avenue between East Court Street and East Memorial Drive. The bus will be detoured east on East Court Street past Garfield Avenue, turning left (north) on North Ringold Street, then left (west) on East Memorial Drive to Milton Avenue. The Milton Avenue bus will resume regular routing on Garfield Avenue beginning with the 4:15 PM trip each afternoon. For more information call 755-3150.
Triathlon Clinics Planned for May & June
Leisure Services and Mercy Health Systems are sponsoring several upcoming triathlon clinics. The clinics are free and are for adults ages 18 and older. Participants are encouraged to attend all four clinics; however, individuals are welcome to attend just one.
Biking Clinic - Bring your bike for an evaluation and try different bikes! This clinic is planned for May 19 from 7-8:30PM at the Palmer Park East Pavilion.
Running Clinic - Learn about different running training programs. This event is scheduled for June 2 at 7-8:30PM at the Palmer Park East Pavilion.
A Final Clinic – This clinic is designed to put all of the new information together. This clinic is planned for June 9 from 7-9PM at Rockport Pool.
For questions, please call Leisure Services at 755-3030 or Kitty Cole at Mercy Community Education at 741-2426.
Palmer Park Neighborhood Meeting Planned for May 20
On May 20, the Parks Division will hold a neighborhood meeting regarding the undeveloped area of Palmer Park. This meeting will take place at 6:30PM at Harrison Elementary School in the multi purpose room (760 Princeton Road). Anyone who uses or is interested in the undeveloped area of Palmer Park is encouraged to attend this meeting. During this meeting, citizens will have the opportunity to share comments and suggestions regarding the current use of the park area east of the Spring Brook trail and the future use of the undeveloped park area, including the pet exercise area. For questions or more information please contact Parks Director Tom Presny at 755-3025.
Travel Previews Scheduled at the Senior Center
The Janesville Senior Center (69 S. Water Street) is hosting travel previews for two extended trips in 2009.
There will be two travel previews on Tuesday, May 20 at 3 & 6PM featuring a 6-night stay on the island of Maui in Hawaii. The trip will leave January 23 and return on January 31, 2009. This Hawaiian vacation features the island of Oahu and Maui. Explore the islands or just hang loose. The price for this trip is $2,799 per person and is based on double occupancy.
There will be two travel previews on Thursday, May 22 at 3 & 6PM featuring a romantic Rhine River Cruise. This 7-night cruise will depart April 25 and return May 3, 2009. The cruise begins in Amsterdam and continues to Cologne, Coblenz, Rudesheim, Heidelberg, Strasbourg and Breisach. All meals are included with superb dining on board including a cocktail reception, welcome dinner and Captain's dinner. There will be quality wines from Europe's most famous wine regions with every dinner. The price for this trip is $3,277 per person plus tax and is based on double occupancy of a lower level cabin. There is a $200 early booking discount if your deposit is made before July 1.
These trips are open to the public of all ages. Please call the Senior Center at 755-3040 to register for any of the previews or if you would like more information or a brochure with complete itineraries for both trips.
Public Works Open House Planned for May 21
The City of Janesville in conjunction with the American Public Works Association will celebrate National Public Works Week, scheduled for May 18-24. This week is an opportunity for the community to recognize and honor the men and women who provide public works services. The Public Works Department is responsible for providing an assortment of services including, the design, construction & maintenance of over 300 miles of streets, sewers, and water lines; garbage & recycling pick up for 22,000 customers; operation of the landfill; snow-plowing; treating & delivering water to 15,000 homes and businesses throughout the City; and the collection & treatment of wastewater.
The Public Works Department will celebrate with various activities to raise awareness of these services. Staff is participating in visits to area elementary schools during Public Works Week. A Public Works Open House is scheduled for May 21 from 3-7PM. The event is free and will showcase a variety of public works activities, equipment and facilities at the City Services Center (2200 US Hwy 51 North) and the Wastewater Treatment Plant (3300 Tripp Rd., off Afton Rd.). For questions contact 755-3160.
Discounted Attraction Tickets Available Through Leisure Services Starting May 23
Leisure Services has a variety of discounted attraction tickets available for purchase, including “any-day” Great America tickets, Chula Vista Lost Rios Water Park, Milwaukee County Zoo, Mt. Olympus, Noah’s Ark, Original Wisconsin Ducks, Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf, and Riverview Park & Waterworld.
Special Great America tickets for Wisconsin Park & Recreation Week are also available for purchase through Leisure Services. Each one-day ticket costs $29, a savings of over $27 in comparison to the gate admission price. These tickets are only valid for admission during Wisconsin Park & Recreation Week, July 4-13.
Tickets may be purchased during regular office hours, 7:30AM-4:30PM, Monday through Friday from May 23 to August 29. Leisure Services is located on the first floor (Wall Street entrance) of the Municipal Building (18 N. Jackson Street). All tickets are non-refundable. Contact Leisure Services at 755-3030 with any questions.
City of Janesville Holiday Hours for May 26
In observance of Memorial Day, most City facilities, including the Municipal Building, Police & Fire Administration, Water & Wastewater Utility offices, City Services Center, Sanitary Landfill, Demolition Landfill, Compost Site, Senior Center and the Janesville Transit System will be closed on Monday, May 26. The Hedberg Public Library will be closed on May 25 and 26. The Ice Skating Center will be closed to the public from May 18 – June 8 for routine mechanical maintenance. The Center will re-open for public use on June 9.
Holiday Trash & Recycling Collection
In observance of Memorial Day, trash and recycling collection with not occur on Monday, May 26. If your collection day falls on Monday, May 26, please put your trash and recycling out for pick-up the following day, Tuesday, May 27.
Volunteers Sought for May 31 Paw Print Park Clean Up
On May 31, the Paw Print Park Friends Group will hold a park clean up from 9AM – noon. During this event, volunteers will clean the park, fill holes, spread bark and plant trees. Volunteers are needed and are asked to bring gloves, shovels, rakes and wheelbarrows. Supplies will also be available through the City of Janesville. For questions or to volunteer, call Leisure Services at 755-3030.
All-City Outdoor Rec Nite Scheduled for May 31
Janesville’s All-City Outdoor Rec Nite will take place on May 31 at the north end of Riverside Park from 7-9:30PM. This event is for 6-8th graders (City of Janesville residents only) and includes public school, home-schooled and parochial students. This night will feature concessions, a DJ, fireside dancing, sporting events and outdoor contests (glow games, relay races and carnival challenges). Popsicles, hot dogs, pizza, chips and candy will be available for purchase. A tye-dye station will be available, so bring an article of clothing. Participants will receive a free glow necklace upon arrival. The cost to participate in the Rec Nite is $7 per student. Volunteer parent chaperones are also needed. For questions or to volunteer, please contact Shelley Hansel in Leisure Services at 755-3030.
Mark Your Calendar for Janesville’s 6th Annual Bike Rodeo!
The 6th Annual Bike Rodeo, organized by the Janesville Police Department, is scheduled for Saturday, May 31 at the Wilson Elementary School playground from 10:30AM – Noon. A bike rodeo is a safety event designed to engage and entertain children while demonstrating key safety skills. During this event, participants will have the opportunity to ride through an obstacle course that promotes bike safety. This event is free and open to all children and families in Janesville and will feature a prize giveaway and free food for participants. For questions or more information, please call Officer Sullivan at 755-3077.
Next Round of Street Sweeping Scheduled for May
The City of Janesville performs street sweeping several times each year. City crews sweep residential streets five times per year. The next round of residential street sweeping is scheduled to begin on May 28. Street sweeping in residential areas begins in the northwest portion of the City and moves through the City in a counter-clockwise direction, generally finishing in the northeast portion of the City.
Downtown and main arterial streets are swept six times per year. The next round of downtown and arterial street sweeping is scheduled to begin on or about May 22 and be completed the following day. On the first day, City crews sweep downtown parking lots and several arterial streets. The remaining arterial streets are swept on the second day.
Street sweeping dates are subject to change. The City of Janesville encourages off-street parking of vehicles during street sweeping events. For more information, please visit the City’s website or call the City Services Center at 755-3110.
Rock County Prescription Drug Disposal Event Scheduled June 7
The Rock County Health Department has scheduled a free and confidential prescription drug disposal event or “Rx Round-Up” for Saturday, June 7, 2008. The event will run from 9AM-1PM at the Janesville Water Utility, 123 Delavan Drive, and at the Beloit Department of Public Works, 2351 Springbrook Court, Beloit. Please note, the date for this event was listed incorrectly in the May 2008 Park Place News.
The Rx Round-Up is open to all Rock County residents, but businesses are excluded. Rock County residents are encouraged to bring their expired or unused medications to the event in their original containers.
The Rx Round-Up provides a safe alternative to disposing of old medications by flushing or landfill. Wastewater treatment plants do not fully remove pharmaceuticals from the environment, disposing of drugs in the trash risks interception by other people, children and pets. Disposing of old medications at the event will ensure that old medications are not found by pets or children, and do not contaminate municipal water supplies.
The event will feature a drive up service, so participants do not have to leave their cars! The Rx Round-Up is free, and most prescriptions will be accepted in their original containers. Chemotherapy drugs, radioactive materials, and needles will not be accepted. For questions, please call the Rock County Health Department at 757-5441 or 364-2010. Please find attached flyer about this event.
S.A.F.E Training Scheduled for June 17
On June 17 from 5:30 – 7:30PM the Janesville Police Department will conduct safety training for women who are interested in learning more about personal protection. This event will take place at the Mercy Center at Mercy Hospital (1000 Mineral Point) in Janesville. If you are unable to attend this session, feel free to contact the Police Department to inquire about future training sessions.
What is “S.A.F.E.” Training? S.A.F.E stands for Self defense, Awareness, Familiarization and Exchange. The program is taught by police officers and is designed to educate women on how to protect themselves from crime by introducing them to physical training methods. To register for the class, please contact Mercy Health Systems at 756-6100. For additional information, call Sergeant Donohoue at 755-3133. Register early because classes fill quickly!
Photo Opportunities Available
There are several City of Janesville events that would make excellent photo opportunities and story ideas. Please mark your calendar for these upcoming events and look for more information in future press releases.
Time & Location
June 17
S.A.F.E. Training
5:30-7:30PM, Mercy Center at Mercy Hospital (1000 Mineral Point)
Sergeant Donohoue, 755-3133.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
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